
Sydney topographic map

Topographic map sydney. Sydney topographic map (Australia) to print. Sydney topographic map (Australia) to download. Sydney lies over two regions as its shown in Sydney topographic map: the Cumberland Plain, a relatively flat region lying to the south and west of the harbour, and the Hornsby Plateau, a sandstone plateau lying mainly to the north of the harbour and dissected by steep valleys. The Sydney topographic map shows elevation, hills and landforms in Sydney. This elevation map of Sydney will allow you to know topography, river and relief of Sydney in Australia. The Sydney topographic map is downloadable in PDF, printable and free. It is either in or out of the metropolis, according to the various definitions, but Sydney highest natural elevation point, according to the Department of Information Technology and Management, is at Woronora Trig Station, about 5km south west of Heathcote as its mentioned in Sydney elevation map. The trig station is 281.88m above sea level.

Topographic map sydney

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At 2.4 metres from kerb to kerb, the narrowest streets in Sydney (they are identical in width) are Argyle Lane and Lance Lane in Millers Point. High Lane, which runs parallel to Argyle Lance and Lance Lane, is just 8 cm wider but is on a higher elevation in its middle section as you can see in Sydney elevation map. The streets appear to be dual carriageways of the same street but they are not. The deepest part of Sydney Harbour is about 47.2m down between Dawes Point and Blues Point, conveniently placed for those multi-storey container ships making the tricky left-hand turn into White Bay. Sydney is at an elevation/altitude/height above sea level of 35.6 m above sea level as its shown in sydney topographic map.
The Hills district generally refers to the suburbs in north-western Sydney including the local government areas of The Hills Shire, parts of the City of Parramatta Council and Hornsby Shire. Actual suburbs and localities that are considered to be in the Hills District can be somewhat amorphous and variable. For example, the Hills District Historical Society restricts its definition to the Hills Shire local government area, yet its study area extends from Parramatta to the Hawkesbury as its shown in sydney topographic map. The region is so named for its characteristically comparatively hilly topography as the Cumberland Plain lifts up, joining the Hornsby Plateau.