
Sydney postcode map

Map of sydney postcodes. Sydney postcode map (Australia) to print. Sydney postcode map (Australia) to download. In Australia they are called “postcodes” not zip codes. And postcodes are generally allocated to individual suburbs such as Sydney (see Sydney postcode map). Sydney postcode is written at the end of the address of the destination. The correct order is to put first the city and just after the postcode, such as: Sydney NSW 2000 as its mentioned in Sydney postcode map. The four-digit code is used for sorting and delivery of letters and parcels. Usually, on the envelopes in the lower right corner there are four orange rectangles where to write the postcode. This model was added in 1990 with the aim of increasing the rate of reading of the postcode.

Map of sydney postcodes

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The Sydney postcode map shows all the zip codes of Sydney. This zip code map of Sydney will allow you to easily find postal codes and address lookup of Sydney in Australia. The Sydney postcode map is downloadable in PDF, printable and free. Sydney postcode is a four digit number used by Australia Post to assist with mail delivery. The first two digits of Sydney postcodes indicate the state or region. Postcodes in Australia are divided geographically. Sydney postcodes is included between 2000 and 2009 as you can see in Sydney postcodes map. Western Sydney is a large geographic area containing many different postal codes.
The Sydney postcode map presents postal codes, address lookup and code list of Sydney in Australia. Sydney postcode is a simple four digit code, with the first digit normally indicating the State, the second digit of the postcode can relate to a region. However, that relationship is not absolute. There is no postcode or particular group of postcodes for ‘Western Sydney’. Owing to the fact that Western Sydney is a major region of Sydney, the postcode for Western Sydney is 2000 as its shown in Sydney postcodes map.